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Fabi Yond – Junglefloor EP by Fabi Yon

Meet Fabian, the human behind the music:

What is your favorite book?
There are so many and it’s always hard for me to choose a favorite of anything. A book I very much enjoyed reading recently is „Where the crawdads sing” by Delia Owens.

If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
I would be able to beam, to stop time and to change the matter of things. But actually I am not sure if I would really want to mess with mother nature.

What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep (and why)?
I really like my sleep, so I don’t miss it often. The longest time I was awake was about 40 hours, I think. One time I travelled through Germany and got stuck in Koblenz due to a train delay. Waiting for the next train in the morning I met a guy who was in the same situation and I recorded sounds of the night and some of his raplines.

released July 6, 2022

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