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Tierra Del Cielo EP by Janax Pacha

Over the last years, the 28 years old Argentinian Gabriel Epstein has been investigating and recording ethnic and tribal sounds worldwide. When he’s not travelling over long distances and working as an actor, the producer finds the time to make music, focused on the gathering of instrumental live music and its heart-felt effect on people, by using flutes, kalimbas, Didjeridu, jew’s harp and native drumming elements. From that, we have Janax Pacha, which means the land of Heaven (“tierra del Cielo” in native Andean language), and Gabriel senses it not just as an artistic name, in fact, it’s a concept, a meeting point between music and dance. It blends field recordings, analog and digital synthesizers, acoustic instruments and soulful shamanic chants, in order to provide the genuine style Janax Pacha is.

“Tierra Del Cielo” EP aims to get people on to their feet and smiling, to get people more connected to their essence, getting rid of noise distraction, heartbeat slowed down; keeping it quite simple the majority of the time but throwing a variety of instruments. Into the opening track ‘Bamboo’, it enacts a common ritual of indigenous medicine in the quiet bamboo woods, where a fine, aromatic powder should be blown through the nostrils, bringing peace, energy, scaring away laziness of those who use it, therefore, blowing sounds and wooden instruments as the Pancuyo and Marimba compose the theme. By its turning, ‘Rainbow Child’ is the result of a jamming session with his shamanic guide Cristian Tao. So, the arrangements and percussions played by Gabriel, creates a real matching for the savvy vocals of Cristian. Lastly, ‘Canoa’, where the artist idealizes himself in a canoe on the Amazon River, sitting next to a divine mythological being. In this scenario, three different drums add motion to the scene; two of them linked by the percussionist tribes who occupy both riverbanks and the last one hovering over the canoe. And it all comes with a sober minimalist artwork created by the Argentinian visual artist Leni.
released July 30, 2019

Janax Pacha\
Soundcloud\ @janaxpachax


Artwork\ Leni

Master\ André Torres @ RD Studio, Brasília – DF

All tracks composed by Gabriel Epstein.

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