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Máquina de Vénus by Blacksea Não Maya

Blacksea Não Maya spend most of Máquina de Vénus perfecting this darker, almost gothic tint on their sound. Dance floor music weighed down with a world-weary feeling.


These polished and tense atmospheres land about 5 years since Blacksea Não Maya’s previous release on Príncipe, shifting the music into another dimension. Side A brings forth a sense of unease, despite the last track being named “Tchiling District”. Slow, grinding beats, moody atmospheres, a clear break from the norm, one that sounds as sudden and surprising as the arrhythmia on “7even”. Sombre times for sure, the producers went with the flow and let their soul speak, opening up to those dark corners our brains have and stepping into them to embrace individuality (no two dark corners are alike).

This results in music that sounds like nothing else BNM did before. To be honest, it’s fairly new territory anywhere. “Horizonte” opens side B with a sprawling chrome surface as far as the eye can see, before blocks of beats return to haunt in “Bubadagash”. Quirky and tense. “Estranhos e Loucos” is a proper dancefloor tune with… more
released September 4, 2020

Written and produced by Blacksea Não Maya
Mastered by Tó Pinheiro da Silva
Artwork by Márcio Matos

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