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Ouvre la Porte Remix Album by El Gato Negro

In Mazunte, January 8, 2018. During a getaway on the Mexican Pacific coast, El Gato Negro, the eternal adventurer, meets a new fortune friend, Don Mescal, another traveler of modern times and co-founder of Montreal label Cosmovision records.
During a Mayan ceremony, Don Mescal is struck by a cosmic illumination: he hears, embraces and feels the feline entities coming from the sky… At dawn, he understands that the album remix of the exotic black cat had to come to life. Back in Quebec and to reality, Mescal quickly opens his doors to bring together the greatest gurus of the world-tropical scene. To orchestrate his vision, he welcomes artists from Argentina, Canada, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala, under the benevolent eye of Guts.

À Mazunte, le 8 janvier 2018. El Gato Negro, l’éternel baroudeur rencontre au détour d’une escapade sur la côte pacifique mexicaine un nouveau compère de fortune, le Don Mescal, un autre voyageur des temps moderne mais aussi co-fondateur du label montréalais Cosmovision Records.
Lors d’une cérémonie Maya, Don Mescal est frappé d’une illumination cosmique : il entend, embrasse et ressent les entités félines venues du ciel… Il comprendra au petit jour… more
released November 27, 2020

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