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Lost icons by Lütt Matten

About Lütt Matten

Lütt Matten, little Matti, grown up in a small town near the Baltic coast, his glance always into the range of the endless horizons of the North German farmland. Free from rush and time, exposed to the elements and the sound of the universe, in thoughts traveling with the migration of the grey cranes, dancing to the choreography of the great crested grebe dance, raging like a finch in the hedge, free as the buzzard’s flight in a summer thermals.

About the tracks


The ancient Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power and the personification of planet Venus.
Imagine the power she gave to thousands of Sumerians, Mesopotamians and the infamous and brutal Assyrians, even when they tryed to conquere the western regions of far east, trying to break the walls of Jericho, even Jerusalem.


Kokopelli is a fertility god worshiped by the natives of the American Southwest (today’s USA). He’s watching over the… more
released February 9, 2018

All tracks by Lütt Matten

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