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[GHR20] Paoyhán by Ahau

The history of the EP comes from when I decided to love music completely trying to express what it would show through me. I decided then to put together the things that give me the most happiness in life and so I discovered that music is actually a first-class ticket, direct to anywhere in the universe.

Everyone is within reach of our friend music, you just have to start the journey and mine begins in the best possible destination: the Amazon.

I decided to travel to the Peruvian Jungle with my great friend to live a different Christmas in 2018. We traveled to Pucallpa and after many beautiful circumstances we entered fully blessed by the Ucayali River to the Paoyhán Native Community. It was there in this beautiful and magical place, where the main sounds and songs of this album were recorded.

After weeks of full coexistence with the jungle mother and her people, all that remained was to try to transform such a beautiful journey into a humble and sincere dedication that tries to express… more
released July 2, 2020

Produced & Composed by : Claudio Cadagan Aka. Ahau
Distrubuted by : Global hybrid Records
Mastered by :Steven B.
Art Work by : Tohm.Thom

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