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Yokha by Janax Pacha

Ladies and gentlemen, from a mysterious place in the Mesoamerican jungle we have found a treasure, a mystical object called Yokha. If you are ready to see it, it’s a treasure that we will share with you today, come with us…

Yokha is a journey into the depths of the jungle, an invitation to a secret ritual. A spiritual union of energies between two souls connected through artistic creation. Conceived by Cyma and Janax Pacha, two sound artisans from South America who on this occasion immerse us in the rhythms of dances and melodic textures that, suspended like lianas, they dialogue harmoniously between the heat of the fire and the mysterious gazes of the jungle.

As one of the stellar releases of Cosmovision Records this year, a collaboration full of magic and colors. All this accompanied by 3 stars of folktronica and downtempo music such as Rodrigo Gallardo, Uji and our house artist Hajna, forming an EP full of life and nature elements that shine on its own.

The wonderful art was made by our genius friend El Tripador and as always, the download is free in “pay what you can” mode on Bandcamp plus available as well in all platforms.

With infinite love for our music family all over the world! We invite you to play it, share and enjoy! =)

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released October 14, 2022

Mix: Sidirum
Mastering: Natan Hall
Cover Art: El Tripador

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