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Voodoohop: Entropia Coletiva I by voodoohop

Welcome to the magnificent mess.
A colourful collectasmia in constant flux.
Between waterfalls and the asphalt
A common fantasy weaves it’s web.
A sense of beauty lying in imperfection.
In the out of tune melody,
The percussion like our sexuality,
Confused and off the grid.
Made with care and chaos
Dip inside this psychedelic soup.

Entre asfalto quente e frescor da cachoeira se cria um encontro que gira nova historia. Um organismo vivo ressuscitando fantasma de cantos antigos. Das imperfeições nascem melodias desordenadas. Entropia e alegria coletiva de uma grande compilação feita com carinho no caos.

“Entropia Coletiva 1.5” out in vinyl :…/723005362879/

“Entropia Coletiva – edição especial” out in CD :
released May 3, 2016

Artwork: Volatile & Kaloan

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