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The Helping Hand by Geplantes Nichtstun & Sadhu Sensi

Together is better than alone if you want to achieve something bigger than yourself. The spirit of Amselcom is based on this belief, and you are invited to join us.
Today we have a song for you that represents this idea in a beautiful way.
Sadhu Sensi from Cape Town is known for his very organic tracks that always carry a touch of Africa.

Geplantes Nichtstun from Bern is a wizard with synthesizers and effects. His unique style is unmistakable and captivates the listeners.
We have now combined these two poles and this creates a previously unknown energy in the music.

Enjoy part one of this series on Amselcom.
Click here to find the music in your app:

released October 28, 2022
Ingrid Nuss | Artwork

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