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Quixosis – Especies Afines by Quixosis

In Especies Afines, Quixosis explores tempo duplicities, combining disparate species of rhythms into synchopated, polyrhytmic doublecounts, that are both slow and fast, that anchor down thick and fluctuating ambiences layered in tape feedback and games of time. With rhtyhmic elements of footwork, dub, ambient, breakbeats and DnB, Especies Afines are an uplifiting and energetic series of tracks, full of detail and bass heavy rhythms, and deeply enveloping ambient cushions that give off an energy that is both hot and calm like an bonfire, transparent and liquid, like a quicksilver prisma.
released September 17, 2020

Produced and Mixed by Quixosis in Quito, Ecuador.
Track 1 “Creer Es Ver” was produced with Joaquin Cornejo in Quito, Ecuador
Mastering by GS Mastering & Post in Stockholm, SE
Artwork and Webdesign by Juliana Lira in Sao Paulo, BR

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