La última rave del mundo by Pozole666
New release of Pozole666.
I started working on this material at the beginning of the lookdown, and at that moment it seemed so far back to play at some rave that I decided to call it “The last Rave in the world” to remember what the parties were like before the Covid.
Acknowledgments: Al Bajó Mundo!
Nuevo release de Pozole666.
Empezo a trabajar este material al inicio del lookdown, y en ese momento parecía tan lejos volver a tocar en alguna rave que decidí llamarlo “La última Rave del mundo” para recordar cómo eran las fiestas antes del Covid.
Agradecimientos : ¡Al Bajó Mundo !
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released December 2, 2021
Con tu compra o donativo estás colaborando a mantener Caballito Netlabel vivo. Gracias.
With your purchase or donation you are helping keep Caballito Netlabel alive. Thanks.