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Howling by Arutani

Hello, goodbye and whatever’s inbetween, fellow humans.

It took quite a while but we are insanely happy now that it finally happened! Arutani is back in the Drojo.
Our strayed brother in the ongoing battle against tempo, came home to the nest and brought us and you some heavy hitters.

His “Howling” EP is as dark as night, hard as teak and weird as life itself.
Starting of deeply, the first basslines aren’t far away, just to put Arutani’s signature spell on your feet. Sounds like wizardry to us, but who are we to judge, right?
Rising upward, punching bad vibes all around, slapping sense into some dark corners, just to come back down again and put you out of your winter blues.

Accompanied by genious twists from his LOKD buddy AVEM, angelicly voiced ANGSTvorGRETA and our dearest coffee junkie Haunted Water, who also did the mastering once again and a beautiful artwork by Puninja;
this release is our way to reminisce over the passed year and give a warm welcome to the next!

For now, we’re off to new adventures.

See you soon!

The D-birds from the B-town

released December 28, 2018

All tracks written & produced by Gianni Competiello (Arutani) in Basel
“Howling” was remixed by Boris (Avem)
“Dark Magic” was remixed by Greta (ANGSTvorGRETA)
“Silhouette” was remixed by Tilmann Eimicke (Haunted Water)
Mastering by Tilmann Eimicke in Berlin
Artwork by Corinna Dohrn (Puninja)

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