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Quagga by Daniele Baldelli & DJ Rocca

Its just over a year since we started our new label, Real Balearic. For our second artist album we are really pleased (and honoured) to welcome one of the few DJs who can claim to be one of the founders of the eclectic Balearic sound. Take a trip back to the 70s and 80s in Northern Italy and you will fine Daniele Baldelli mixing up electronic, African and slo-mo disco records to co-create the Electronica Meccanica sub genre. Records often would be played at the wrong or variable speed to be made to fit into a wide aural tapestry of his unexpected-but-seamlessly-flowing DJ sets. This of course is an aesthetic close to us here at Real Balearic. A sound we are ever so pleased to have as part of the mixing pot for our new Balearic label. For the album he pairs up with fellow Italian DJ Rocca to serve up an eclectic – electronic – Balearic feast.

For those Zoologists out there you may notice that the albums song titles (mostly) are all extinct animals. A clever naming concept but as you will hear the music is far from primeval. The LP opens up with recent single “Poouli”. It registers at the top of the Balearic speed end but the varied synthesizer grooves and vibe are pure 90’s balearic (i.e. looking back to the 80s sound and mish-mashing a collage of styles and sound). “Quagga” follows and… more
released August 11, 2017

Written and Produced by Daniele Baldelli & Luca Roccatagliati.
Mixed by Luca Roccatagliati at MarsLife Studio, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Electric bass on Quagga by Michele Tessadri.
Guitar on Megaloceros by Lorenzo G. Morresi.
Flute on Quagga and Oryx Dammah by Luca Roccatagliati.

Published by Copyright Control.

(P) & (C) 2017 Real Balearic

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