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Heal Me by Panther Panther!

Heal Me is a four-track EP that I’ve been working on for a couple of years. It is a very personal selection that lived with me during a difficult time of recovery after an accident. In October of 2018 I fell from a ladder when I was setting up visuals for one of my Midnight
Ritual events in Bristol, and severely injured my left shoulder. The mixed emotions of regret, embarrassment and panic made for a turbulent winter as I had to wait for a long time for an operation. At the end of February, 2019 I went in for surgery and spent the next three months recovering.
During the first three weeks after the medical procedure, I spent a lot of time in bed dealing with chronic and surgical pain, as well as with the emotional process of dealing with such an injury, trying different ways of tricking my mind away from focusing on the hurt and sense of impotence from not being able to work or do the things I was used to doing. Luckily, the weather in Bristol around the time was very gentle: many sunny mornings and afternoons went by bringing into my room the lush smells of Spring, and the sounds of children playing on their way home from school, birds singing, all that jazz… I listened to a lot of Miles Davies.
On my windowsill, I kept all my meds right next to my… more
released January 5, 2021

Panther Panther! – Pablo Villierezz composición, producción y mastering / composer, production and mastering (2020)

Bookings@PachamamaBookingAgency :

Marta Zu – Arte de portada / Artwork

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