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Im Traum Wird Geschlafen by KARIYAN

Hey friends, today I would like to announce that my new single “Im Traum wird Geschlafen” will be available on all platforms. I started working on this track two years ago after I got a mandolin as a birthday gift from my dear friend.

It’s a very old instrument with some scars here and there, but it still has so much soul in it. The thing about real instruments is that they are physical. When you play a note, you can feel the vibrations in your fingers. That’s something I really miss in electronic instruments like synths or software instruments.

„Im Traum wird Geschlafen“ will be the most organic track I’ve ever released. With many small mistakes and moments where the rhythm is not perfectly on the grid. With lots of little scars like my old mandolin.

Written by Kariyan in Vienna
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