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Capitan Tempesta by Giulietta Passera

Eclectic and prolific artist from Turin, Giulietta Passera is the singer, composer and producer of several musical projects, including The Sweet Life Society, Mangaboo, and Uhuru Republic.
Uhuru Republic is part of Salgari Records, their track “Zanzibar” was published on the compilation Various Artist 001 and a forthcoming album will be released by the end of the year.

Artista Torinese eclettica e prolifica, Giulietta Passera è la cantante, compositrice e producer di numerosi progetti tra i quali spiccano The Sweet Life Society, Mangaboo, e Uhuru Republic.
Uhuru Republic è parte di Salgari Records, la loro traccia “Zanzibar” è stata pubblicata all’interno della compilation Various Artist 001 e un nuovo album è in programma per la fine dell’anno.