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Martins Garden – Samsara (Album Mix) [Psydub | Psychill | World Bass]

Premiering ‘Samsara’; the new album from the psychill & psydub veteran, Martins Garden via the mighty @Merkaba Music label. The album draws on the artist’s exploration of Buddhist philosophy, and the inspiration behind each track is presented below the timestamp as follows:

All tracks written, arranged & produced by Marcel Umberg
Graphic Art: Gene Raz von Edler
Graphic Design: Espepelen Artwork
Mastering: Simon @

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00:00 – 07:16 Martins Garden – Karma

Karma is a spiritual belief that is all about cause and effect. While some of us prefer to call it the Golden Rule—”do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, the sentiment remains the same. Be kind, my friend.

07:16 – 13:52 Martins Garden – The Story Of The Wind

“Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind. Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation. Suddenly, you know you are alive.” – Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

13:52 – 20:18 Martins Garden – Wandering Spirits ft Natalie Lain

“Moonlight bathing, and water crashing.
Boundless motion, swaying.

To you I give from you, I take.
All else seems to wash away.
Starlight bears witness and wind holds the space.
Waiting and calling out to me …

Shelter, find shelter, comfort of cover.
Indifference, forces a will to devour.
Formless and nameless and speaking
through movements of riddles and
secrets of warmth within in darkness.
Rising to meet me. Calming.

Soft as velvet, around me swirling, slowing.

To you I give, from you I take.
All else seems to wash away.

Starlight bears witness and wind holds the space.
Waiting and calling out to me.”

20:18 – 26:00 Martins Garden – The Second Arrow

A parable about dealing with suffering more skilfully. It is said the Buddha once asked a student: “If a person is struck by an arrow, is it painful? If the person is struck by a second arrow, is it even more painful?’ In life, we can’t always control the first arrow. However, the second arrow is our reaction to the first. This second arrow is optional.”

26:00 – 32:28 Martins Garden – When Flowers Bloom ft Lo.Renzo

“Open the bloom of your heart and become a gift of beauty to the world.” – Bryant McGill

32:28 – 37:48 Martins Garden – Heaven Is A Beautiful Place

The Buddha denied the existence of God. But he confirmed the existence of other worlds, of heavens and hells populated by celestial beings, some of whom even bore the name of Hindu gods. In the early Buddhist literature, the Buddha himself was described as having gone to the heavens and meeting with the gods. The scriptures also quoted instances of gods descending down to the earth to witness some momentous events in the life of the Buddha.

37:48 – 43:44 Martins Garden – Mandala

Mandalas are Buddhist devotional images painted on scrolls and taken with travelers over long distances across the Eurasian continent. A mandala is a symbol of the universe in its ideal form, and its creation signifies the transformation of a universe of suffering into one of joy. It can also be used as an aid to meditation, helping the meditator to envision how to achieve the perfect self.

43:44 – 50:38 Martins Garden – Samsara

To go beyond Samsara and Nirvana, we will need the two wings of emptiness and compassion. From now on, let us use these two wings to fly fearlessly into the sky of the life to come. – Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

50:38 – 56:08 Martins Garden – Touch Of Inspiration

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.“ – Buddha

56:08 – 62:50 Martins Garden – All Is Silent All Is Still

“Silence isn’t empty. It is full of answers.” – Buddha

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